◤ 實踐大學產品工業設計系所
Department of Industrial Design, Shih Chien University
◤ 簡介
實踐產品工業設計學系創立於1992年,1998年因應設計趨勢演變以及產業發展需求,設立研究所碩士班,1999年增設研究所碩士在職進修專班;系所課程規劃與人才養成朝向「專業學習、國際視野、實務導向」三大目標努力,而碩士班與碩士在職進修專班更強調「實務與理論並重、跨領域課題研究」作為教學特色,並在2009年九月被美國商業週刊(Business Week)評選為全球三十所最佳設計課程(The World’s BestDesign Programs, TOP 30)之一。課程規畫除了設計知識的學習外,更強調創作性的操作體驗;透過對人文、社會與科技工程等相關知識理解、自我反省與跨域批判,使學生在創作驗證中,領會工業設計的多層次內涵與多面向的價值訴求,從而發展其具有獨特性的創作理念、方法與能力。
The Department of Industrial Design was founded in 1992; under the trend and demands of the industry, the Master Program and the On-job Training Program of the graduate institute were founded respectively in 1998 and 1999. The under-graduate program aims for emphasis on professional discipline development, global perspective oriented and strong ties to industry whereas “the combination of theories and practices” and “the interdisciplinary studies across multiple fields” are focuses of the graduate programs. In September 2009, Business Week Magazine reviewed the curricula of S.C.I.D. as one of the TOP 30 World’s Best Design Programs through an international panel judgment. The curricula designs are both concentrated on the learning and accumulation of design-related knowledge and the creativity generated through first-hand experiments and practices. The comprehensions, reflections, and judgments derived from discussions on humanity, society and technology also foster students’ ability in understanding industrial design in itself as a two-fold activity with multi-layers inner framework and multi-facets outward appeals. It is under these conditions that each and every student will be able to develop his/her unique approach toward rationales, methods, and ability in the process of designing.
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