

The design college consists of 4 departments and 1 program,
which includes 5 bachelor’s degree and 4 master’s degree programs.

服裝設計學系 Department of Fashion Design|http://scfd.usc.edu.tw
建築設計學系 Department of Architecture|http://www.arch.usc.edu.tw

工業產品設計學系 Department of Industrial Design|http://scid.usc.edu.tw
媒體傳達設計學系 Department of Communications Design|http://sccd.usc.edu.tw
建築職人學士學位學程 Bachelor Program in Architectural Craftsmanship|http://scac.usc.edu.tw

The common objective of these studio-based programs is to educate students to have professional, inter-disciplinary, and innovative capabilities. The college participates extensively in international and domestic design competitions, exhibitions, and education-industry cooperative projects.

USC-ICON2 FB-icon2 SCD-workshopwebsite2 DMP DMP-02

CONTACT INFO|實踐大學台北校區設計學院 College of Design, Shih Chien University
Address:10462 台北市中山區大直街70號A棟7F
No.70, Dazhi St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10462, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:+886 2 25381111 ext. 7002(設計學院)、7611(服裝系)、7512(工設系)、7312(建築系/建築職人)、7050(媒傳系)
Fax:+886 2 25331588

Office Time:Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00