

國際設計研討會 International Design Conference


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2011 實踐大學設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會
International Design Seminar of College of Design, Shih Chien University, 2012
設計‧養‧樂‧多 Fermentation in Design


研討主題 MAIN THEME|設計‧養‧樂‧多 Fermentation in Design

哈佛大學的奈伊教授(Joseph S Nye Jr.)在《Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics》-書中提出了「軟性實力」(softpoewr)的概念。文化創意是人類文明進化的結晶,《未來在等待的人才》的作者丹尼爾˙品克(DanielH Pink)預言:資訊時代即將被創意時代代替﹔過去重視邏輯、專業、理性的知識工作者不再獨領風騷,焦點將匯聚在擁有直覺、設計、整合、創新、能說故事、能給關懷、能夠玩樂、能重視生活意義的特質者身上。丹麥未來學家羅夫、錢森(Rolf Jensen)在《夢想社會》一書中提出:「人類即將進入新紀元,一個以故事精神為主導的年代即將降臨。我們將從重視資訊的物質年代過渡到追求精神的想像年代!」其揭示者:未來生活價值需求已經超越物質性的層級,取而代之的尋求感性精神上的滿足,並再創意文化中蘊含著無比的情感關懷與覺醒、和生活品味與環保態度。

F.P.P. Fermentation in Design
The concept of “fermentation” in design was first conceived by the Bauhaus in Germany in the past century. Similar to how yeast works, a new idea engages in catalytic chemical reactions when it interacts with various organic and inorganic matters around it. After fermentation, growth and incubation, it transforms completely into the subtle things in life that come to represent the cultures behind them. The new cultural values created—the “fermented values”—exist in everything in the daily lives of you and me.
The idea of “soft power” was proposed by Prof. Joseph S. Nye, Jr. in Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. Cultural creativity is the culmination of human civilization. As predicted by Daniel H. Pink, author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future, the information age is about to be replaced by the creative age; knowledge workers focused on logic, expertise and rationality will be leading the world; instead, the spotlight will fall on those with strong intuition, empathy and design, integration, innovation and story-telling abilities and those who can play hard while still focusing on the true meaning of life. As Danish futurist Rolf Jensen proclaims in The Dream Society, the human race is about to step into a new era, one guided by the spirit of stories; we will transition from the material age of information to the imaginative age of ideals! The future pursuit of values of life will no longer be about material satisfaction but rather satisfaction of the human sensibility, in turn embodying in creative cultures boundless empathy, emotional awakening, tasteful lifestyle and environmental sensitivity.
《F.P.P. Fermentation in Design》extends the idea of Fermentation to also encompass Pleasure arising from the life generated by fermentation and Pluralism in a new Internet age where the virtual and real worlds coexist and the boundaries between countries, cultures, genders, ages and time zones gradually blur. Design is a natural human instinct instead of an act of commercially motivated utilitarianism or even the misconception as the “added value” of commercial products. Creative thinking is an art and wisdom that will ensure sustainability. Design is no longer singularly concerned with formal gratification, but rather the manifestation of youth, pleasure and play via pluralistic, interdisciplinary and trans-gender vehicles that include the most trendy games on the Internet and mobile phones.

時間:2011年12月02日(五)9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, 2nd December, 2011
AGDA中華動畫遊戲發展協會、Digital Frontier(Taiwan)集拓聖域股份有限公司

專題講座 / Keynote Speeches

08: 50-09:20 報到、入席 Registration
09:20-09:30 陳校長振貴致詞 章院長以慶致詞

09:30-10:45 專題演講(一)Keynote Lecture I:
講者:Joan Ashworth教授 英國皇家藝術學院Royal College of Art 動畫系系主任Head of Animation
講題:《Dreaming and Scheming 》

10:45-12:00 專題演講(二)Keynote Lecture II:
講者:今泉洋 Hiroshi Imaizumi 教授 日本武藏野美術大學Musashino Art University Design Informatic系
講題:《On Creativity: Design Informatics’ Point of View》