2013 International Design Workshop III: Name The Tree / Dai Fujiwara + SCU

主持教師Main Faculty:藤原大客座教授Prof. Dai Fujiwara(前三宅一生主設計師,現為Dai&Co.負責人)

藤原大畢業於日本多摩美術大學染織學系,曾任國際知名時尚品牌三宅一生(Issey Miyake)設計總監,非常重視環保與下一代永續發展生存的議題,所提出「A-POC—一塊布製造衣服」的創新概念不僅減少布料的浪費,更以此贏得了2000年日本「優秀設計獎」(Good Design Award)與2003年「每日設計獎」(Mainichi Design Award)。



● 工作營網站:https://sites.google.com/site/scdesignworkshop2013/

● Project Aim:

自2008年起連續三年與美國麻省理工大學(MIT)建築規劃研究所與媒體實驗室(Media Lab)、2011年與英國倫敦中央聖馬丁設計與藝術學院(Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design)、2012年起連續三年與日本國際知名服裝設計師前三宅一生設計總監藤原大Dai Fujiwara進行師生合作之跨國工作營計畫。今年為第二度聘請藤原大先生擔任「跨系所國際設計工作營(三)」主軸客座師資,同時策劃分別於2013年2月及6月將工作營成果於台北URS21中山創意基地與日本21-21美術館展出。

● Project Overview


The workshop theme is, “NAME THE TREE.” This project focuses on the trees that grow in towns where people live. Though we may not take much notice, when spring comes, leaves start sprouting on trees and we have trees to thank for letting us know that a new season has arrived through this shower of new colors. The purpose of this project is to create new value with the people of the world including myself, by heightening our awareness of these often overlooked trees and applying roles to natural objects around us. Furthermore, just as the world is diverse because there are no two geographical locations
that are exactly alike, we can always discover the characteristics and identity of that land by gathering information and getting to know the trees that we often take for granted. Students will research a single “tree” in their town, learn about the history and background of that tree and name the tree. The assignment is to produce contents that will trigger the interest of the global audience regarding that tree, make them want to visit that tree and ultimately inspire them.