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[ 學術 ] 2016 實踐大學設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會徵稿至2016/10/15

2016 International Design Conference College of Design, Shih Chien University
2016 實踐大學 設計學院 國際設計學術與創作研討會

● Website:http://scdesignmediatingf.wixsite.com/2016
● 研討會投稿系統連結/ Submission System Link:https://goo.gl/GRd7oA
● 2016投稿系統說明​/ Introduction of Submission System (EasyChair):EasyChair 投稿系統使用指引
● 研討會論文格式/ Format of Conference Paper:研討會論文格式

主題:Mediating Future 媒和未來

World-renowned Japanese designer Kawasaki Kazoo once said that designer is the only one in an enterprise who can speak for the future users before a product is given birth. The role of today’s designers has gone beyond problem-solvers, but also a navigator who brings future to the present by connecting technologies with humanity.

Human society is facing unprecedented crises but also opportunities. The shadows of depression, the spreading terrorist threats, and the global environmental collapse are just partial facets of our challenges. New inventions like Uber, Alpha Go, and drones entail not only fresh excitement but also ethical confusion and even fears to uncertainties. Design can no longer continue its traditional forward-looking stand as if anything new is always better. It also needs to examine backward from the future to our present time to prevent civilization from ethical derailments.

It’s time for design to learn to be a mediator by translating back-and-forth between now and the future, by deepening dialogues between future design and sustainable society, and by measuring the success of design with more profound human values. Design was born on the move by nature. It’s only truer now that design must become better a movement for the healthier breakthrough of industry and a brighter future for humankind.


當前人類社會正面臨史無前例的危機與機會,除了經濟大蕭條的陰影籠罩,恐怖主義的幽魂不散,連Pokemon Go, Uber, Alpha Go, Drone這些新生事物都不僅帶來興奮,同時困惑甚至未知恐懼也伴隨而至。設計不再能一意樂觀地從當前的新科技催生未來,更要從未來那端回頭盯緊現在,避免科技偏離倫理。


投稿領域 Topics:
工業產品設計 (Industiral Design)
服裝設計 (Fashion Design)
​建築設計 (Architecture Design)
媒體傳達設計 (Communications Design)

時間:2016年12月9日(五)9:00 am – 6:00 pm/ Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, 9th December, 2016
主辦單位:實踐大學設計學院 執行單位:工業產品設計學系

專題演講(一)/ Keynote Speech (I)
演講人 / Speaker / Prof. Dr. Michael Erlhoff
講題 / Topic / DESIGN FOR THE BLURRED FUTURE – on complexity, contradictions and fluidity

Michael Erlhoff was the founding dean of the Köln International School of Design (KISD), where he was also professor of design theory and design history. He was the dean of the department of cultural studies at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences and CEO of the German Design Council. A curator of numerous art and design exhibitions and a board member of documenta 8 , he has also written and edited many books on design, art and culture-related themes. He is a member of the German Association for Design Theory and Research, of the international Gender Design Network and of AICA. He regularly gives guest lectures and conducts workshops at international universities and he is a frequent member of national and international design juries. In 2016, he was made an honorary professor at the Braunschweig University of Art. He resides in Cologne, Germany.

專題演講(二)/ Keynote Speech (II)
演講人 / Speaker / 劉小康 / Freeman Lau Siu Hong
講題 / Topic / 椅子戲

Born in Hong Kong in 1958, Freeman Lau studied at the Hong Kong Polytechnic, now the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, which is highly reputed for design. He started his career at SS Design & Production and later joined Kan Tai-keung Design & Associates Ltd. The company was renamed Kan & Lau Design Consultants in 1996, and he has the partner of the new company since then. In 2013, Mr. Ko Siu Hong was promoted to be one of the partners and the name of the company was changed to KL&K Creative Strategics.
Freeman is currently the Vice Chairman for the Design Alliance Asia (tDA Asia), a Director of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC), Secretary General of Hong Kong Federation of Design Associations (FHKDA), and Founder at leading firm – KL&K Design. Since 1984, Freeman has won over 300 design awards, his design profession is developed in several fields including graphic design, commercial products, and brand promotion, where many of his public art and sculpture design are held in leading international museums and private collections. His ongoing chair design series, “Chairplay” has also been exhibited around the world, including Beijing, Japan and Taipei.
In 2001, Freeman was invited to participate in Poster Design Competition of Beijing’s Bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. His poster was awarded “First Prize” and selected as official promotional material; recently, his posters – “Fancy of Ink”, “Symbiosis” and “Pureland” were also exhibited in “Shenzhen International Poster Festival” (2015). He is the designer behind the world-renowned Watson’s Water Bottle, which was awarded the “International ‘Bottlewaterworld’ Design Award” (2004). His most recent design achievements include “The Best Asian Designer” at the 2014 Asian Designers’ Invitational Exhibition in Korea (2014), “Design for Asia Awards” Grand Award (2015), and “iF Design Award” (2016).

[ 徵稿 ] 2015年實踐設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會─複製的賦智



二、 論文徵稿事項:
三、 研討會相關資訊請逕上網查詢,網址:idc2015.usc.edu.tw(含活動內容、論文上傳、審查結果查詢等),投稿範例如附件。
四、 活動聯絡人及電話:本校媒體傳達設計學系高捷秘書,(02)25381111分機7050。



一、 研討會資訊如下:
(一)研討會主題為「風土與前衛」(The “Envelope” of Life, and the “Push”),上午場專題演講邀請慶應義塾大學講師暨五十嵐淳建築師事務所主持人Jun Igarashi、香港大學建築學院助理教授John Lin及芬蘭Alvar Aalto Foundation & Museum執行長Tommi Lindh擔任講者;下午場為論文發表與座談。
二、 本研討會對外開放自由參加,惟座位有限,敬請提早入座。
三、 研討會相關資訊請逕上網查詢,網址為http://2014designconference.usc.edu.tw/wordpress/。

【附件一】研討會議程表 【附件二】交通資訊 【附件三】講者簡介

『2014 實踐大學 設計學院 國際設計學術與創作研討會』徵稿須知

徵稿網站請使用Google Chrome 32 , Firefox 30 , Safari 5.0 以上版本瀏覽器/螢幕解析度1024×768 為最佳瀏覽狀態(使用Internet Explorer將無法開啟)

2014 年國際設計學術與創作研討會 資訊如下:
(一) 本研討會主題「風土與前衛」(The “Envelope” of Life, and the “Push”),上午場專題演講將邀請香港大學建築學院助理教授John Lin及芬蘭Alvar Aalto Foundation & Museum執行長Tommi Lindh擔任講者;下午場為論文發表與座談。
(二) 研討會時間:2014年12月12日(星期五)上午9時至下午5時
(三) 研討會地點:台北市大直街70號實踐大學N棟圖資大樓B2F國際會議廳、團體欣賞室

(一) 徵稿範圍:本研討會廣邀服裝設計、工業產品設計、建築設計、媒體傳達設計領域之論文,經由公開徵稿及嚴謹審查,提供具有公信力之發表與交流之園地,以提升國內設計學術研究水準(各領域通過審查論文將於下午場發表)。
(二) 論文截稿日期:2014年10月10日(五)


2014「風土與前衛」國際研討會徵稿須知 / 投稿範例 example of paper format in English


研討主題 MAIN THEME|風土與前衛



儘管多數的既有發明依舊作用良好,設計領域卻堅決追求新穎設計。我們身處的這個時代,「前衛」的態度,究竟在回應哪些與生命以及在地生活相關的真實需求?因循於熟悉的舊路?亦或掙脫舊習, 開拓新徑, 這兩者之間的關係究竟為何?



2014 實踐大學設計學院國際設計研討會將在「風土」的脈絡下探討「前衛」的價值及其角色。

『2013 實踐大學 設計學院 國際設計學術與創作研討會』徵稿須知

『2013 實踐大學 設計學院 國際設計學術與創作研討會』徵稿須知
「2013 International Design Conference College of Design, Shih Chien University」
Call for Paper

主   辦   單  位|實踐大學設計學院、服裝設計學系
時       間|2013年12月13日(星期五) 9:00~17:00
地       點|實踐大學國際會議廳、團體欣賞室(台北市大直街70號N棟圖書資訊大樓B2F)
報名網站資訊|http://www.scu2013.com  研討會徵稿相關資訊請上網查詢
相關文件資料|2013 國際設計研討會 徵稿須知.doc

研   討   主  題|『奈 物』
而以大自然生命微觀層面中微小單位「奈 物」(Ultra Bio)為設計起點,回看當代人類社會科技通訊與自然訊息之互動連結,除了鼓勵不同文化與技術的演進,同時也重新開啟人與自然,人性與科技,人與人之連結,以及其相互穿越共構的可能未來。
地球資源逐漸以各種形式消逝,期望「奈 物」形式設計能夠喚起我們對於自然生態的關注,或許藉由想像人類極限挑戰的生存狀態,抑或挑釁新的生物技術以及設計產品之間最大的互文關係,以自然為本不 斷地往返檢視新思想、新原理、新方法的進化途徑,試圖連接世界與微觀生物學的未來美學新挑戰。

『 Ultra Bio 』
Ultra Bio refers to the science and technology behind the creative exploration of the microscopic and the ultra-connectivity of the electronic age. It describes the singular voice assimilated within the cloud of ideas, references and the magnitude of diverse connections.
How to speculate on the future when we are surprised at every turn by the advent of new knowledge? Will ultra-connectivity at many levels between individuals across the globe lead to a fragmentation of the Centre? New scientific knowledge of the world at a microscopic level will encourage diverse cultural and technological evolution. We will have to embrace the totality of the world and its people and also new provocative bio technologies.
“More and more, living organisms are finding their way into all kinds of materials and processes-from buildings to clothing manufacturing to art”
The Wall Street Journal
From the perspective of arts and design, how will practitioners and creative thinkers respond to the fragmentation, democratization and the decentralization that ultra-connectivity might bring?
The rapid turnover and growth of ideas between individuals diversely located across the globe will assail and illuminate contemporary practice, sensibilities and values.

(1) 日本解構美學新銳設計師 森永邦彥(Kunihiko Morinaga)。
(2) Carole Collet, Course Director MA Textile Futures,
   Reader and Deputy Director, Textile Futures Research Centre
(3) Claire Pajaczkowska, Senior Research Tutor at Royal College of Art, School of Materials Research Leader at Royal College of Art 英國皇家藝術學院資深研究教授/材料學院院長
時  間:9:00~12:00
地  點:實踐大學N棟圖資大樓B1舉行(最新訊息公告於研討會網站)
時間:2013年12月13日 (五)13:30-17:00 PM
1. 研究論文類(Research Papers):具原創性之特點,在理論與方法上有可靠之系統化推演過程,或有實證的演譯歸納、其目的、方法、結論有明確交待者。本類論文接受中文或英文投稿。
2. 設計作品類(Design Cases):包含服裝設計、環境空間設計、產品設計、媒體傳達設計等領域五年內(含)原創作品暨充分之圖說(需含創作理念、學理基礎、內容形式、方式技巧等)。
1. 中英文論文以不超過15000字為原則,且不得超過出版論文15頁(含圖表)為原則,無論中文或英文論文皆需附300字以內中文及150字英文摘要,論文頁數以雙數為度。
2. 請投稿者依投稿範例格式(需加入頁首與頁尾),並將格式修正為「PDF檔案」於規定時間上傳。
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論文發表  下午1:30~5:00於實踐大學台北校區(104台北市大直街70號)(發表場間由各設計領域另行通知)
實踐大學服裝設計學系 陳麗萍秘書 02-25381111#7611