
[ 徵聘 ]MixerBox 徵求【時薪250】AE 影片編輯/美編工讀生

MixerBox 旗下產品至今已成功突破全球 3 億下載量,針對全球用戶全天的日常需求,打造「隨時隨地、生活必備 Super-Apps」的數位生態圈。目前團隊正飛速成長中,歡迎正在尋找兼職/工讀機會的你加入我們!

▎MixerBox 官網:https://tw.mixerbox.com/
1. 短影片編輯、影像處理、素材蒐集、平面美編設計(擅日系風格為佳)
2. 熟悉 After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop 等軟體
3. 其他主管交辦事項



應徵方式:請將履歷及作品集寄至 rosieliu@mixerbox.com
至 104 了解更多資訊:https://www.104.com.tw/job/6wyvc?jobsource=company_job

[ 學術 ]2022實踐大學設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會


The Lens


A lens is a medium that focuses or disperses a light beam. Design then offers various types of refraction, creating different effects through the lens. Design is like a multi-perspective lens that transforms all elements in our daily lives in the past, present, and future into multiple possibilities. At the same time, it reflects our hopes, fears, desires, anxieties, beliefs and values that entangled in our mind.

美國科幻與奇幻小說家娥蘇拉·勒瑰恩(Ursula K. Le Guin)在《黑暗的左手》一書中提到:「這個故事並不全是關於我的,講述者也不止我一個。」如光透過介質折射後的重生,萬物經由設計不斷地被紀錄、詮釋、轉化為產品、建築、媒體、服裝等各種物質化的敘事與載體,藉此把世界匯聚起來。聚焦不只是人類,也是將自然、時空、物種甚至是其他世界時區梳理交織。

Ursula K. Le Guin, and American author of speculative fiction and science fiction, remarked in her book, The Left Hand of Darkness, “The story is not all mine, nor told by me alone.” Like the rebirth of light after refracted, design continuously records, interprets, and transforms everything into materialized narratives and carriers such as products, architecture, media, and clothing. In this way, design attempts to bring the world together. Moreover, it doesn’t merely focus on human beings but also on nature, time and space, species, and even other time zones of the world.


“Focusing and dispersing, transformation, diffraction, dimension”


In the time of uncertainty, how does a designer become a lens maker? We seek to respond to urgent issues including climate change, religious conflict, racial discrimination, gender equality, wealth gap, aging society and the impact of the Anthropocene, trying to compose new objects, systems and structures. The year of 2021 marks the 30th anniversary of Department of Industrial Design,  Shih Chien University. We will continue to experiment, explore, and speculate the possible future and realize the light of our common anticipation.



研討會舉行時間 Time
2022年1月07日(五)9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm, Fri. 7 Jan 2022

研討會舉行地點 Location
台北市中山區大直街70號MN棟圖資大樓 B2國際會議廳
Venue: Bldg. MN, B2 International Conference Hall, Shih Chien University, No.70, Dazhi St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City

主辦單位 Organizer | 實踐大學設計學院 College of Design, Shih Chien University
執行單位Implementer | 工業產品設計學系 Department of Industrial Design (SCID)
協辦單位Co-organiser | 服裝設計學系所 Department of Fashion Design (SCFD)/建築設計學系 Department of Architecture (SCAD)/媒體傳達設計學系 Department of Communications Design (SCCD)


[ 選課 ]110學年度第2學期設計學院選課資訊

★設計產業行銷(二)     方中禮老師 週三(  8 , 9節 / 15:10pm-17:00pm) @A107 教室
★設計產業組織管理   張志賢老師 週三(11,12節 / 18:30pm-20:05pm)    @H601 階梯教室
★設計學院跨系所國際工作營   連國輝老師 (審核制課程,由學院於3/1統一加選,加選後請確認課表是否成功)
學院課程詳細訊息請上教務資訊系統搜尋,開課單位請選 : C3設計學院

[ 選課 ]110學年度第1學期設計管理學分學程選課_更新說明

             ★設計產業實務研究    方中禮老師 週三( 8-10節 / 15:10pm-18:00pm) @A310教室
             ★設計產業行銷(一)      張志賢老師 週三(11,12節 / 18:30pm-20:05pm)   @A303教室



主旨: 110學年設計管理學分學程申請 – 學號
  1. 學號
  2. 姓名
  3. 班級
  4. 連絡電話
  5. 加退選課程資訊 – 請至【學期開課一覽表】,複製課程資訊如下
  6. 加退選原因、問題: