國際設計研討會 International Design Conference
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2014 實踐大學設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會
International Design Seminar of College of Design, Shih Chien University, 2014
風土與前衛 The “Envelope” of Life, and the “Push”
研討主題 MAIN THEME|風土與前衛 The “Envelope” of Life, and the “Push”
儘管多數的既有發明依舊作用良好,設計領域卻堅決追求新穎設計。我們身處的這個時代,「前衛」的態度,究竟在回應哪些與生命以及在地生活相關的真實需求?因循於熟悉的舊路?亦或掙脫舊習, 開拓新徑, 這兩者之間的關係究竟為何?
“To boldly go where no man has gone before.” – Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek
What Captain Kirk says is, and has been, the unquestioned ideology of modernity since the beginning of its rise. It is, thus, by necessity, the motto of the so-called “avant-garde” – innovation at all costs.
But today, innovation, in the name of “pushing the envelope,” has brought us to the brink of ecological disaster through over-production of unnecessary things.
And yet, the field of design continues to uphold the value of constantly making new things, even when the old things are still working fine. Innovation for the sake of newness.
What exactly is the demand of our time such that “avant-garde” actually has relevance to life, to local life? What is the relationship between the sub-merged life of stale routine and repetition, and the struggle to e-merge from it, to open a new path?
The Chinese concept of 風土 (wind-earth) does not mean just “regionalism” as some insipid geographical abstraction; it is a vital “cosmological” concept applied at the regional level of life. As such, it points to the phenomenon of Change within Stability that “structures” not only nature, but the pattern of cultural life within it, at the LOCAL level of the settled land. It is something like, “enveloped” and ”enveloping” life – defined, limited, but also protected by the elements that saturates the reality of life – physical and cultural.
The question of “avant-garde” – its meaning, relevance, value, function – constitutes the central problem for all the design fields today, as our globally distributed technology has removed us all from the very possibility of retaining the meaning of anything “local” in any meaningful way. So then, is it possible, or even desirable to be an “avant-garde” in the design field today when technology, and the temptation to use it for its own sake, remains many steps ahead of what design and local sensibilities can do?
This 2014 SCU Conference will address the issue of the value and role of the “avant-garde” in the context of 風土 (wind-earth).
時 間:2014年12月12日(五)9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, 12nd December, 2014
地 點:本校N棟圖資大樓B2F國際會議廳
執行單位: 建築設計學系所
協辦單位:工業產品設計學系所 / 服裝設計學系所 / 媒體傳達設計學系所
專題演講 / Keynote Speeches
專題演講(一)Keynote Lecture I:
講者:五十嵐淳 Jun Igarashi|Architect, Jun Igarashi Architects Inc., ( 五十嵐淳建築師事務所主持人 )
講題:《 Consideration about the Relationship with the Earth 》
專題演講(二)Keynote Lecture II:
講者:林君翰 John Lin|Associate Professor,Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong ( 香港大學建築系副教授 ) Director, Rural Urban Framework RUF ( 非營利組織城村架構總監 )
講題:《 Making Architecture in a Place Without Architecture 》
專題演講(三)Keynote Lecture III:
講者:Tommi Lindh|Director, Architect,Alvar Aalto Foundation & Museum ( 芬蘭Alvar Aalto 博物館館長 )
講題:《 Alvar Aalto Sites as Laboratories for Architectural Conservation 》