

國際設計研討會 International Design Conference



2019 實踐大學設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會
International Design Seminar of College of Design, Shih Chien University, 2019
新時代的溝通與介質 Communication Medium Now & Future

研討主題 MAIN THEME|新時代的溝通與介質 Communication Medium Now & Future



電影導演大衛林區曾說:「當底片被汰換成數位拍攝時並沒有不一樣,莎士比亞也只用一支筆寫出經典,現在只是來到了一個人人都有筆的時代。」從底片到記憶卡、從鉛筆到 Apple Pencil,從家用電話到智慧型手機、從美術品到互動科技藝術、從人力到人工智能;在形式不完全能互相取代卻與日俱增的同時,介質與上述的溝通也在各種維度不斷地劇變著,新時代無聲無息悄悄地汰換了生活周遭的同時 ,是否也更應探討在科技與人文匯流的設計領域,設計師如何凝聚新舊時代的介質,如何掌握設計語言引發化學效應,創造承先啟後的溝通新價值?

Mediums, the substances that communicate energies or messages in physics. People is getting used to have languages, images, sounds through technology as the mediums to transferring the ideas and thoughts in modern society. Thousands and thousands of forms can be used as the mediums to communicate, which is already overflow in our daily life. From architecture, products, apparels to new media, designers become the mediums of all kinds of outstanding forms in our civilization, even transferring metaphysical energy through the mediums.

No matter the basic communication or the mediums through design. Nowadays, to achieve the purpose of design through the communication is the fundamental responsibility for designers. Even more to incorporate the veining, strategies and thoughts in the mediums to accomplish the purpose of design. From the final consequence to awaken the comprehensive communications. Therefore to accomplished the deeply understandings, to created the new experiences, furthermore to maintained the social responsibility through design. This is the subject that all of the designers need to be reconsider and cannot be avoid in this changing new era.

David Lynch said, there is no difference when the digital replaced the films, William Shakespeare used only one pen to create classic. We exist in an era that everyone has a pen. From film to memory card, pencil to Apple Pencil, dial phone to digital phone, fine art to interactive technology, man to AI. The art forms cannot be replaced each other but explosively increased at the same time. Mediums and all the above-mentioned forms of communication are fiercely changing form one dimension to another. The new age is quietly coming to replaced everything around your life. Isn’t it the time to debate the design fields in technology and humanities convergence, how to merge the mediums from different areas, how to trigger the reaction to comprehend the language of design, how to create a inheriting new value by designers.

時間:2019年12月06日(五)9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, 8th December, 2019

專題講座 / Keynote Speeches

專題演講(一)Keynote Lecture I:
講者:  Shuzo John Shiota|日本東京多邊角動畫製作公司 總裁  President , Polygon Pictures Inc. ( Tokyo, Japan )
講題:《 多角邊動畫36年─從平面設計到情感設計 36 Years of Polygon Pictures : From Graphic Design to Emtion Design 》

專題演講(二)Keynote Lecture II:
講者: Jonny Kofoed|紐西蘭奧克蘭 Assembly 動畫公司 創意總監兼創辦人 Owner and Director , Assembly Ltd. ( Auckland, New Zealand )
講題:《 數位世界的類比溝通 Analog Communication in a DIgital World 》

專題演講(三)Keynote Lecture III:
講者: Yamada Takeshi|日本東京團隊實驗室 招聘總監 Head Recruiter, teamLab (Tokyo, Japan)
講題:《 人群關係 Relationship Among People 》